Tonight we are having our first real snow storm of the season! In March none the less. This is following a storm that the Germans called Uricano Emma - but the English speakers refer to it as, a big storm. Because of course you can´t have a hurricane so far from the ocean, or can you?
Yesterday I had the wonderful task of taking 120 euros out of the bank to pay for my German course. 100 euros - 1 for each hour of class +20 for a new book. We are starting Berliner Platz 3 tomorrow! This is a big deal.
So I went to the bank (luckily my neighbor was about to go shopping so he gave me a ride - it was raining). By the way I happened to be wearing jeans, a Camp Nawaka sweatshirt, and a red vest. Not typical German wear. and my hair was a bit, shall we say 'wild' (this clothing description is to set the scene.) First I try the ATM outside of the bank. No Go. I assume something is wrong with the ATM, so I go inside. Mind you, this bank for inexplicable reasons has tv screens showing fashion shows built into the floor. Very random. So in the bank I go, still no money. I try again, this time clicking on something different. Finally, I go to the service desk and say that I can´t get my money out. The friendly bank women checked the account. There was money in it, check. Then she came over to show me how to use the ATM. The big problem was that I had been clicking Geld Karte, instead of the German word for withdrawal. Oops. So embarrassing. My incompetence was made all the more mortifying by my somewhat slovenly appearance. The shame.
Some people have to face situations like that everyday: not understanding what in the world is going on, and needing to ask for help. Usually I avoid these situations, thanks to my very sweet husband who does all the dirty work (setting up bank accounts, ordering pizza - the things that actually require much use of German). Of course, I must start doing more of it, but I hate it when I am in situations where I am not in control of what is going on.
It is also somewhat ironic that I needed the money for my integration course. Clearly I am well integrated when I can´t even figure out an ATM!! Arg.
Anyway, that was my humbling immigrant experience for the day. I usually feel like such a non - immigrant. I blend in very well with the Germans. The old women in the trains chat with me, people are fairly friendly (as far as friendly Germans go), I look fairly German. No problem! That is, until I open my mouth or have to use an ATM machine.