Happy New Year! We are back in Germany after a very relaxing holiday season in Reading. Lia continues to be an excellent traveler, but I imagine we will be increasingly uncomfortable sharing an airplane seat as she gets bigger and bigger. In fact, Lia fits into her 12-18 month clothes already. (I am a bit of a compulsive Baby Gap shopper - the clothes are so adorable.)
We have hit a lot of milestones including standing (using everything - walls, tables, legs, etc.) She is starting to explore the world and our apartment is as of yet decidedly not baby proofed. We have to get on that, because if you take your eyes off of Lia for more than 2 seconds, she is into something new. Lia is enjoying cheerios and more people foods - overcooked pasta yesterday! She babbles all the time, and we have heard: up, hallo, mama, and dada - although none necessarily were attached to real meaning.
Jan and I are both very busy with school and parenting, leaving little time for anything else. Despite the stresses of too much to do and too little time, we are truly enjoying the adventure of new life and working on taking one day at a time.
Once again - Happy New Year!!