Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sweetest Email Ever

Please tell Lia I wish her Happy Birthday and lots of fun and happiness, a really good coming year, and a great relationship with her sister and parents. Today we remembered the day she was born. The weather was great and the sun was shining. In the morning Jan called us and said Lia Grace was born, he sounded serious and important. Until then neither of us knew if you were going to have a boy or a girl, so she was a surprise. Later that day we visited you in the hospital. She was so small that neither of us was confident enough to take her into the arms. You were really tired and happy. I assume this was the day that absolutely changed your and Jan’s life forever, so it is your celebration, too. And now she is three, speaks two languages, has a little sister and some days from now on will remain in her later memories when she is an adult. So our best wishes to all of you in this beautiful day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday Grandpa and Aunt Faithy!!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Lia puts one foot on the table and looks at me. Wagging her finger she says "No, no, no"

Me: Why not Lia?
Lia: It is bad manners

Lia puts her foot down and puts the other foot on the table

Lia: No, no, no
Me: Right, because it's...
Lia: Funny!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Doctor Lia

Lia is obsessed with being a Doctor! Here she is in acton...