Baby smiles!!!!!!!
My sweet little baby will be three months old in a few days. Time is moving far to quickly.
Lia is still a sweet and wonderful baby, turning baby haters to baby lovers in an instant.
Her likes include:
Staring at a hand of cards - completely mesmerizing
Blowing raspberries
Smiling and raising her eyebrows
Standing (with assistance)
Kicking vigorously
Doing shoulder bridges
Her dislikes include:
Being held like a baby - so undignified
Eating when overly hungry (this can be an issue)
Tummy time for longer then 2 minutes
Shirts that go over the head
Hooter Hiders
Going to bed early
Lia has progressed to making angry noises to warn you that she is about it cry if you don't do something FAST!
She can roll over - but only by accident
Many noises - the favorite is oooo gaa
And Lia is a baby body builder - she is pure muscle
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