Friday, November 7, 2008

Has it Been a Month?

18 Weeks Belly

Baby Arm and Leg

Baby Profile

I am amazed that the month of October has passed by. Where did it go???

Well, I was hoping tonight to post the gender of our baby, but according to the doctor, the baby is shy and will reveal its parts when it is good and ready. I was quite frustrated and wanted her to poke at it until it moved into a genital viewing position, but no such luck.

The good news is that the baby is getting very big and actually looks human. Like you can see eyes and a nose and a mouth and feet and little baby hands. It was a bit disconcerting to be carrying around something that looked like a disembodied heart (chicken heart anyone) and then like an alien, so that is reassuring.

I of course forgot my glasses, so it looked like a blurry human to me, but Jan assured me that he saw a beating heart and a stomach as well. The bones show up as bright white - they are starting to harden.

My ´morning´sickness is basically over (despite that one popcorn gorging episode last week) although my sharpened senses do me no good when walking by a man hole connected to the sewage system. I repeatedly tell Jan that somebody has to do something about Freiburg smelling like shit - he does not agree! (By the way Freiburg is lovely and it only smells like shit in some places)

School was delightful for the last two days. I think the Obama high is contagious and somehow has infiltrated even the ranks of the children of Switzerland. At least they all were really excited and wanted to know what I thought about everything. Sometimes it is cool to be an American. I told them that now I would consider moving back to the US. :)

Well the spaghetti for the spaghetti pie is prob cooked so I better go look.

I will attempt to be a more faithful updater!