Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Night in the Tram

So I have written that I am teaching Night. A few days after passing out the book. One of my students came to school with a pretty amazing anecdote. He said that he had been reading the book in the tram, and an old man approached him. The old man asked him if it was the first time he read the book. My student said yes. Then the old man said that everything in the book is true and that he had been in a concentration camp.


1 comment:

G in Berlin said...

Is it so strange that in Basel there should be Holocaust survivors? Or did you find it strange that he introduced himself to the boy? In any case, hi! I'm reading your blog with great interest as I'm another expat married to a German.Have you told us how you got your teaching job? I'm interested- were you a teacher in the States>