Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Authentic German Experience

The other night I was at a bar (Schlappen for those who know) and I had an authentic German experience. One of the traveling apprentice carpenters - dressed in authentic apprentice carpenter clothing was going from table to table. Once he got to us, he recited a rhyme (apparently something about coming to Freiburg and driving the devil away with his carpentry tools) and asked for a donation. When I said I didn´t understand a word he said, he asked if he at least had a nice voice. (he did) Then he reminded us not to drink too much and was on his way.

Side note: These traveling apprentices live on the generosity of people they come across and payment for completing odd jobs. They´re not allowed to go within a certain distance of their hometowns. It is a funny sight to see men in what looks like 18th century clothes wandering around.

Here is a picture:


Jane said...

those guys are pretty funny...i love how most of their pants are corduroy bell bottoms. maybe next time you'll be able to chat with one a bit more, I would love to learn more about them.

racreading said...

Sarah - change site to sight and "they come about" to "they come across".

Anonymous said...

in german they are called "wandergesellen", and not only carpenters travel but all craftsmen could do this.


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