Saturday, March 15, 2008

Let the Grilling Begin

So excited!

Jan and I bought a beautiful copper colored brazier/grill (that´s what the Germans call it) and I am currently listening to the sizzling of embers.

Jan went off to get bread to accompany our favorite feta, veggie, sauce wrapped in foil and cooked in the coal combo. Today we were blessed with an unseasonable warm and sunny day. Such a relief after months and months of rain and gray skies. Unfortunately for us, snow is in the forecast for next week - but today we are seizing the day and initiating our brazier-grill.

In other news it is the beginning of easter vacation -that means no Basel for two weeks. But I have picked up quite a few private lessons through the language school I just started working at in Freiburg. This job is so easy and wonderful compared to the hardships of teaching adolescents. I like doing both though - it keeps everything in perspective.

After my vacation I have a 13 week vacationless stretch of teaching to do, which will be a challenge. So I am committed to relaxing and working up those energy reserves.

In Jan news, he finished the written test section of his big exams and is studying for the deadly oral. I will try and be helpful. Although linguistics is booooooring.

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