Thursday, September 4, 2008

Zetifikat Deutsch

I have signed a paper committing to take the Zertifikat Deutsch on October 24 and 25! This is very exciting. It means that my year + long Integration Course is just about finished and I will have my Mon, Wed, and Friday nights back to myself.

I have the modest goal of getting a 1. I am fairly certain that I will. If not, perhaps a 1.5.

In other news, I am feeling much better, despite the fact that I must return to Basel in an hour for a dreaded Eltern Abend. I though I escaped parents nights after leaving the public school system. This time, I will not have hysterical parents crying about their children, but it is possible that the class teacher will speak for over 2 hours. (I hear this is what happened last year.) Then I can schmooze with the parents for a while, and maybe be home by 10:30. (Which is past my bed time.)

1 comment:

carolyn said...

How did it go? Will you just start twittering this junk already? So much easier.