Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There are many nuns in Germany. I am not sure why, but I always feel vaguely uncomfortable around nuns. Maybe because I feel like my soul is not as white, and maybe because they won't leave me alone!!!!

Case 1. Sarah in train.

I was sitting at the train station, waiting for the train, minding my own business. A nun sits right next to me! Nevermind that every single other seat is open. She takes the seat next to me. Ok...being immersed in my book, I just continue reading. The train comes, I get in, get settled. I hear someone approaching. There the nun is, asking me a question. (So it wasn't, have you repented - she just wanted to know where the train was going.)

Case 2. Sarah in train take 2.

I am on the training, heading to Freiburg and this is in my slightly earlier days in Germany. Meaning my language skills are non existant. The nun sits next to me, says something to me...sounds like blah blah blah ch ch ch. I just smile and nod, keep reading. Then the nun talks more. I smile and nod. This continues the rest of the train trip.

Case 3. Walking done the street

I am usually in a hurry to get somewhere. Running late...so I jog and speed walk quite often. I was late for babysitting and who is in front of me, but a nun. This is a wide nun, walking very slowly, taking up the whole sidewalk. How do you get around a nun! Do you squeeze by, say excuse me please move over. Tough situation.

Case 4. Bike riding nun

So I didn't actually interact with this nun, but she was riding a bike, in her habit, going faster than me. Wow!

There must be a nun conspiracy to freak me out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I suppose it's better than being followed by clowns.