Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm a Frau

The other thing significant about yesterday is that now people will call me Frau, which is mildly traumatic. You know what a Frau looks like, right. Like the teacher in Matilda. Decidedly unattractive, thick forehead, round, old, maybe a wart or two on the nose. Definitely talking in a deep voiced, gutteral German (no, German almost never sounds like the stereotype of German). So, that's me. A Frau. However, a big difference is that I speak almost no German. And the German I do speak has a decidedly American accent.

1 comment:

kristin said...

hey sarah - i feel your pain :-) i'm now a misses... a wife...with a husband. so if we ever move to germany, i'll be a frau along with you. crazy how one little word can make you feel, isn't it?! i think i might prefer to call lance my partner...hehe.

congratulations to you and jan! lance and i are both very happy for you! you look so happy in your pictures, i can't wait to see more. your dress is just beautiful and really looks perfect on you...

jane looks great, too. you're so lucky to have her there! sounds like a rockin' bachelorette party!

please send our best to jan and jane. carolyn totally got me into reading blogs, so i'll most likely remain a loyal follower and talk to you again soon :-)

lots of love,
kristin (aka: mrs. ramer)