Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Integration Course Take 2

So I have finally decided on the integration course I will take. After visiting the Volkeschule - the adult education school in Freiburg and discovering that their classes are four hours every week day, I am going with Berlitz, just three times a week for three hours! At least this way I'll learn German. I took a placement test and made things difficult, because my written/reading understanding was at the top but my oral abilities are not so good. So it looks like I'll skip Unit 1 and start with Unit 2. I feel ok about it.

Jan and I are both tired and a little sick so we have been trying not to do much which can be hard when you have to ride a bike to the grocery store and lug things back in a backpack. (I don't really have to do that often ... after one time Jan hasn't made me do it again). Me on a bike is not the prettiest site...but I'm improving my stopping skills.

Otherwise, we visited a Bank to find out about Banking and I filled out my insurance forms today. Sadly, first I need a bank tomorrow I'll have to commit to one. It looks like there's no free banking for me.

Jan and I just had wonderful dinner on the balcony and now a woman in France is going to call me to talk about her Curriculum Vitae which I edited for 20 euros. (Not my idea, but it wasn't as horrible as it could have been and it's an easy 20 euros.)

Jan and I (mostly I) have dreams of going to Europa Park, but we will have to wait till August and it's open till 8, making the evening entrance option reasonable. (It would be 30 euros for the day, 13 euros for 4 and later.)

It's nice weather again, so hopefully we'll make it to the swimmbad tomorrow.

Ohh, and Harry Potter was excellent. Highly recommend it. I was holding out to read all of the Harry Potter books to my unborn children, but I succumbed and read the last two. There was no hope in being surprised with the movies which I also can't resist coming out anyway.

Well, Germany's treating me fairly well although I am depressed about the abandonment of my next door neighbor friend who went back to Russia for two months and more significantly, the return of Jane to the US. It's been so nice to have a sister here.

I think I won't have time to mope for long though, because half way through August, my job starts and then I will be busy.

Until next time,


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