Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Friendly Germans

I take it back. One of those non smiling, mono syllabic coworkers took it upon himself to introduce himself to me. A formal, hello I am so and so, including a hand shake. Then he started smiling and initiated a conversation. So strange. This is a man who I have seen three times a week for the last two months and was hesitant to speak with after he got very upset when my notebook was on his desk because I was using the computer (school computer) which was also on his desk. Anyway, it turns out that he is a fellow commuter and takes the cheap o trains like me. So maybe now I will have somebody to chat with on the train sometimes.

In other news it is freezing and I think my toes will fall off, but I have to go back into the drizzle for another fun and illuminating German class.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Warm socks are good, esp. those thin wool ones meant for running. There are days I wear them under nylons under my dressy boots.